
27 July 2013

Hubert Duprat.

From Cabinet, Issue 25: 

Hubert Duprat’s aquatic caddis fly larvae, with gold, opal, and turquoise cases.
Duprat places the caddis fly larvae in a controlled environment, supplying them with precious materials. Individual insects build with different levels of skill, some preferring beads and others pearls.

In an interview with Christian Besson, Duprat mentions that an American entomologist, Charles T. Brues, observed caddis fly larva in a river in northern Nevada adding bright blue natural opals to their cases when they could, indicating that the insects use more than purely utilitarian considerations.

via wenvrsleep

So, I'm still in awe of this every time I read about it. 
I've become pretty good at disappearing recently, I'm still settling myself in to a new job and city (if you reside in Oxford, please speak up) and in this process I'm pretty behind on everything happening in the world. Please bear with me.

I'm currently sans most technology. So if anyone can suggest any good books, it would be much appreciated? I’ve been devouring them pretty swiftly the past few weeks. 
I'm sorry this is fleeting.



  1. Gosh how unusual!

    Give me a shout if you fancy a cuppa. :)

  2. Rare, but so beautiful!!

    Good luck with your new job and hopefully you are setting pretty well now in Oxford.
    Would love to visit it one time.


  3. That's utterly amazing and heavenly beautiful.
    I hope you will settle in soon and wish you the best.
